Some people say that you have to build your own home business or network marketing organization… I believe otherwise because although you can’t fully get people to build your downline for you, you can still outsource ‘enough’ aspects of your business building to the point that you can almost automate your prospecting funnel! It has also been said that you should focus on your strengths and not your weakness! This is true in many ways because you only have 24 hours a day and you cannot be a jack of all trades. You can’t do everything and neither do you have the time to work on everything – it simply makes sense to outsource our work (after all, we do outsource the daily tasks to gardeners, housekeepers, maids, chauffeurs and we even outsource stress removals to masseurs!)
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Building Your Organization On Autopilot

Building Your Organization On Autopilot


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Some people say that you have to build your own home business or network marketing organization… I believe otherwise because although you can’t fully get people to build your downline for you, you can still outsource ‘enough’ aspects of your business building to the point that you can almost automate your prospecting funnel!

It has also been said that you should focus on your strengths and not your weakness!

This is true in many ways because you only have 24 hours a day and you cannot be a jack of all trades. You can’t do everything and neither do you have the time to work on everything – it simply makes sense to outsource our work (after all, we do outsource the daily tasks to gardeners, housekeepers, maids, chauffeurs and we even outsource stress removals to masseurs!)

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