Community Health Education Training - TOT1
This is the first of three phases of CHE training that will equip you and your team with the ability to start developing a community development program in a specific geographical area.
In order for your training to be scheduled, there needs to be between 10 to 20 of your team or those from other teams who register for the same training and for the same time period and venue. Please contact this email address to discuss the details of your team's preferences.
[email protected]
This training will focus on 3 main categories:
1. The Biblical basis and foundational core values of CHE
2. CHE community development models and program sequence
3. Tools, activities and best practises when initiating a CHE program
CHE is an integrated, sustainable, Christian community development program being used in over 120 countries worldwide. This course covers how to help communities:
▪ find solutions to the problems that they identify
▪ discover untapped resources and opportunities in their local area
▪ set up and manage their own community development program
▪ equip community member volunteers as proactive role models
▪ greatly reduce disease through promoting disease prevention & adopting good health habits
CHE is based on proven principles applied worldwide. Although based in common sense, CHE is frequently described as a paradigm shift due to its emphasis on empowering communities to initiate and manage their own development programs (verses outside agency initiated & managed).
In this training, you will learn how your team can reach more people in need thru focusing on methods of empowering local communities to multiply what they learn.
The underlying core values that are woven throughout the training are as follows . . .
▪ Integration of Spiritual & Physical
▪ Development not Relief
▪ Prevention vs. Cure
▪ Multiplication
▪ Sustainable
▪ Use of Local Resources
▪ Community Ownership
▪ Invitation
▪ Relationship Building
▪ Facilitation
▪ Spirit Led
▪ Mature Servant Leadership
The training format is as follows . . .
▪ Highly participatory and interactive
▪ Facilitated lessons
▪ Trainer guided discovery
▪ Role plays and stories beginning each lesson
▪ Lots of small group work
▪ Seating in a semi-circle; no tables; no note taking
▪ Handouts given after most lessons
▪ Small group presenters summaries group work