Blog Flipping Unleashed

The idea of producing websites (and especially blogs) with the intention of ‘flipping’ them for profit is a very popular business model – and although it’s been around for a few years now it can still be a great way to make money online. Whilst it’s true that you can make money relatively quickly (and without much initial investment), to be successful you will need to work hard and devise a good strategy. Here are just some of the things you'll learn inside: How to develop and flip a blog for profit - even if you've never done it before. How to build your blog - from installing Wordpress and choosing a blog theme, through to listing it on Flippa and transferring everything over to the new owner. The two main strategies used by successful flippers - and how to know which one is for you. How to maximize the attractiveness of your blog and really drive up the price when it's time to sell.