How to Create an Audio eBook
Audio books gained popularity with the increase in the pace of technological
advancements. The changing trend has enabled listeners to think beyond the
stereos in their cars and homes to access and use audio books.
Today, it is possible to download audio books onto iPods, MP3 Players, cell phones,
tablets, iPhones and other PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) devices.
Audio books provide a convenient way for enthusiastic readers to carry on with
their daily chores and multitask, such as exercising while listening to
educational or recreational books.
Traditionally, audio books were designed for visually impaired individuals.
However, today they are more of a learning tool and means of entertainment
for children, teens and adults. There is something for everybody. The most
popular categories include arts and entertainment, memoirs and bios, classics,
business, thrillers and mysteries, comedy, fiction, drama, poetry, kids, health
and fitness, etc.
The growing market of audio books has encouraged many authors to create
audio versions of their text or eBooks. While it needs both time and effort to
produce an audio book, the experience of transforming your book into another
medium is extremely fun and entertaining.
You can tap into a great resource for authors wanting to have their books
recorded by professional voice artists, by using a company that will charge you
no fees to record your book for you up front, then split the profits of the sales
50/50. Alternatively you can pay upfront and keep all the profits yourself.
Also, you can record your own book, thereby avoiding any recording artist
being required. We cover this option later in this book.